Shabbat: Parsha Vayikrah
Shabbat Shalom and welcome to Judeo Talk. The Torah portion for this week is Vayikrah, Leviticus 1-5.
At this point in the Tanakh, the tone and the format changes significantly. Much, but not all, of what follows from Leviticus through Deuteronomy is a recitation of specific laws. In essence, the epic poem of the Jewish people's origin has concluded. Only a few closing scenes remain and they will be scattered throughout these next three books. From this point on, the Torah is a document of everyday spiritual practices and civil laws.
In Vayikrah, God is explaining to Moses some more details concerning the act of sacrifice. The instructions list what animals or other materials are to be used, what counts as a suitable sacrifice and some of what the priests are supposed to do upon an offering. As always, modern Jews tend to skim these parts of the book because we no longer perform ritual sacrifices.