June 2020

Cool Frog Fossil Discovered

While many species of frogs are on the decline, it seems like new species are also discovered every year. One of the most recent discoveries is that of a fossil of a two million--year-old species in Argentina.

The frog's unique elbow joint was used to help scientists identify it. The discovery was made almost 150 feet underground while a well was being dug. Not much is known about the fossil but it's still an exciting find.

What cool frog news have you read lately? Share it in the chat!

Radioactive Waste 772 - GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment Working With The Department Of Energy On Re-enrichment Of Depleted Uranium

    GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment (GLE) and the U.S. Department of Energy signed an agreement in 2016 for the sale of depleted Department of Energy (DoE) UF6 inventories also known as deplete uranium tails. These UF6 stockpiles are left over from previous enrichment operations. They contain a lower proportion of uranium-235 than is present in naturally occurring uranium ore.

Black Women To Follow

If you're a white woman, I strongly urge you to use your social media platforms, your blog, your podcast, anything you've got to elevate Black women's voices, not just right now but always. Some things you can try include following them on your social media, reading only books by Black women for a year (or longer) and, of course, deferring to Black women when it comes to their knowledge and experience, particularly when it comes to their own opinions and experiences.

Season 19 Predictions

In case you haven't heard, Family Guy has been renewed for a 19th season, and speculations about the show covering everything from quarantine, Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter are on everyone's minds. Personally I think it would be a good idea to cover these topics, and I think it would be hilarious to see what the Griffins get up to during stay at home orders.
